Around the globe solar panel has become the necessity for electricity generation. Popularity of solar panels in generating electricity is due to its improvement in efficiency, technology and reduction in cost. Solar energy has gradually reached in state capital and metropolitan. But it also reach in the rural corners located far from the grid. Our country is one of the few countries which are blessed with abundance in solar power.

But before moving to the buying guide lets discuss about the type of solar/photovoltaic panel available in the market. There are three type of solar panels available Mono-crystalline, multi/poly crystalline and thin Film (cdTe / CIGS, Amorphous-crystalline). Efficiency decreases from Mono-crystalline to Thin Film (Efficiency {%} = {output power per sqr meter/input power per sqr meter}*100), cost too decreases in the same order but the high temperature performance increases from mono-crystalline to thin film-crystalline. In India, the commonly available solar panel is the multi/poly crystalline panels.
After looking at the different types of panels lets discuss the factors affecting performance of solar panels. They are- direction of the solar panel (for a fixed position solar panel without any sun track mechanism, they should face the south direction to get better output throughout the year), angle of inclination of solar panels (according to the latitude of the place), temperature (higher temperature lower the output), shading (because small part of solar panels affect the output to greater extend).

These are some of the Guidance before buying solar arrays:–
* The daily power consumption in home is one of the significant factor in deciding the size and type of panel.
* Roof type as to install rooftop solar panels, it is essential to decide the roof condition and slope for installation of the panel. A well maintained rooftop with angle of 20-30degree is ideal for installation of the solar grid.
* Understanding product specification is essential, it will help to have seamless experience in the long-term.
* Product warranty and certifications from a reputed brand cover a substantial duration, where they offer long-term service. In India manufacturers gives warranty from 1-5 years.
* Another reason to keep in mind is Solar Inverter circuit efficiency, because the efficiency of solar inverter will satisfy the daily electric consumption. Inverter is a box between the solar panels and the home appliances. An effective inverter will increase the efficiency solar panel system.

* Temperature co-efficient of the solar panel plays a very crucial role because as the temperature increases the voltage and power decreases.
* One can avail 30% subsidy from Government of India for solar panel installation at home. So before buying one must look for all the certifications related to solar panels to avail the Government Subsidies.